Podcast 179: 5 Keys To Improve Your Roofing Quotes with Ryan Shantz
Ryan Shantz
When it comes to increasing your roofing sales, a professional proposal will separate you from the pack.
Today I talk with Ryan Shantz from SumoQuote about their new software program that has everything you need to quickly put together a clear scope of work that will dazzle your prospect, build trust, and tee up that next sale.
What you’ll hear in this episode:
SumoQuote was created because of homeowners who were asking for a price match on low-end competitors (no warranty, no professionalism, and no certifications) that were not similar to their business in any way. There was no good way to show this to the homeowner during the sales process.
Since homeowners tend to be visual in the sense that they want to see the products they are getting, SumoQuote can give them a similar visual that will help them to see you as a different type of roofing contractor.
Ryan’s company was mostly doing insurance work but expanded its retail sales after the introduction of SumoQuote. In the first two years, their retail sales increased 64%, which translated to millions of dollars and made a huge impact on their business.
SumoQuote can speed up your quotes because you can save templates in the program. This will help speed up your sales and separate you from the competition.
5 Keys to Improve Your Roofing Quotes:
Simplicity sells. Make it as easy as possible for the homeowner to understand. If it’s hard for the homeowner to understand, it’s hard for the homeowner to buy.
Don’t tell them; show them. Your brain can absorb visual content 10 times fast than written, so the more you can include visual content within the quote, the easier it is for your clients to understand.
Make the client the hero. The sales process is like a story, and there is a character for each part. Step away from you, the contractor coming to the homeowner’s rescue, being the hero of the story. The more you insert the client and their home into the quote and the picture, the easier it is to see them as the hero. They should be the focus of this story.
Throw to the client’s sweet spot. Using a baseball analogy, when you make your pitch, you want to throw it at the homeowner’s sweet spot for them to have the greatest and easiest chance of hitting that ball. When you craft your quote, understand what matters to the homeowner, and make sure you include those points within your quote.
Create new value for your client. At the end of every job, do a project summary report. This has a powerful effect on the client, as they can see your transparency as a business and that you’re documenting the process for them. This instills trust in your business.
In addition to its use for quotes and project summary reports, contractors can also use this software for inspection reports. SumoQuote has a built-in dashboard, which has a strong sales management analytical side to it. Salespeople can track their call-backs and get reminders on that; they can sync their sales numbers, and business owners can see what’s open on their pipeline and see what their company’s numbers are.