Podcast 236: How To Close Out Jobs For Maximum Profit with Dave Sullivan
Dave Sullivan
Why is it that the last 20% of a roofing job takes 80% of the time? Sometimes you just can’t get it closed out. The punch list that gets longer with every inspection. Materials are on backorder. A sick employee slows things down. Whatever it is, it means you’re not getting your final payment and your customer is getting impatient.
Today I talk about the 13-step process we used at my company to get in and out of a project and maximize our profits. You’ll learn about the checklist we used to have, a zero punch list, and how we got all of our invoices paid. You’ll also hear why our customers were happy to give us a 5-star review and refer us to all their neighbors.
What you’ll hear in this episode:
One of the show’s taglines is “how to make more money and have more free time,” and we covered that in detail back in Episode 62
The problem is that some contractors are so busy that they aren’t doing the work and getting the jobs done profitably—that means NOT making more money and NOT having more free time!
Why are so many jobs slipping through the cracks and losing our profit?
Why does the last 20% of a job end up taking 80% of our time?
Getting started with a job means setting the goals, getting 5-star reviews, and getting referrals
The-13 Step Process to maximize profits:
Review the budget and labor costs
Show your appreciation for your work crew
Make sure you have all the material to finish
Talk to the customer, update them, and talk about final payment
Be sure to do radius marketing
Set up the pre-job at the next job
Do what it takes to be prepared for the next job
Have zero punch lists
Present the final warranty package
Have the system in place to ask for a review
Send a handwritten Thank You note
Have a post-mortem on each job
After two weeks, pick up your job sign and leave a gift with the customer
Remember, everyone benefits when you have higher profits and increased sales!